New Year Resolutions you will actually KEEP!!

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? I’ve made a few over the years (and a few I make every year, yet never seem to make any forward progress, but that is a story for a different day), but in my experience, most resolutions are decidedly unfun. In this newsletter, I want to focus on a few travel-related resolutions that break out of that unfun mold and promise to be easy to keep as the year rolls by…


Purposefully choosing eco-friendly travel options is a resolution you can feel good about. This tourism niche has been gaining steam in the last few years and many travel suppliers are now clearly packaging and offering eco-friendly travel options. Choosing to be an Eco-friendly traveler need not diminish travel for you, it simply means you are committed to choosing sustainability and respecting the environment no matter where you roam.


Travel that includes volunteer work = Voluntourism. These types of trips involve a bit of both voluntary service and typical tourism pursuits. I’ve not participated in a Voluntourism trip, but it’s something I’d really like to experience in the future. To me it seems like the best of both worlds: an in-depth travel experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the place you are visiting, while also contributing in a meaningful way to a community that could use some help. This style of travel would definitely qualify as a meaningful resolution… is it one that would interest you?


Simply resolving to travel more is also a worthwhile resolution! Life gets busy and good intentions often fall by the wayside. Bruce and I have found that by planning early and putting things into our calendar, that time is “reserved” and we almost always keep those appointments with ourselves. When we fail to plan, that time magically fills up with daily life and it becomes much harder to carve out time and get away. Choose yourself and your family this year and plan to get away!


Are you getting the idea?


Just get out and do it! I’ve never regretted taking the trip, only talking myself out of the trip. Time is precious and you can’t get more of it… so make 2024 (and beyond) full of special memories and travel stories you’ll love to recall.

Happy, happy New Year! May 2024 be a year of blessings and joy for you and your family. I’m here and happy to help as travel plans come to mind, so please reach out anytime. Until next year!!!

Travel is the best way to curate joy in your life. Let us help you make your next trip amazing!


SURE!! Why not make a resolution you'll actually want to keep!
